Filtration for food, water and air

Nanofiber based desk filtration for food and water filtration with RIFTELEN N15

The nanofiber filter has been certified for food contact and together with our membrane can be used for applications where DESK filters are limited due to their low capacity or leakage.


Possible to use for all food product filtration (wine, spirits, different kinds of oils etc)

Possible to use for pharmaceuticals and cosmetic products filtration

Possible to use for waste water filtration

Possible to use for proces water filtration

Possible to use for air filtration


This unique nanofiber based filtration with nanolayer of RIFTELEN N15 brings significant savings and advantages:

Quick payback for investment

Faster and low-pressure filtration (one cartridge replaces one 40-desk filter)

No after-taste

No leakage

Cleanable membrane (can be used repeatedly)

Fast and effective filtration (150l / m2 / min; 0,4 – 50 µm)